Sustanon Organon

Sustanon Organon is one of the most popular types of Sustanon available. What is Organon Sustanon? Organon is the name of the pharmaceutical company which make the Sustanon 250. If a steroid user can find real Sustanon Organon, they know they are getting the highest quality product possible, as it is a prescription steroid.

Sustanon Organon
Organon is the company who originally trademarked the name Sustanon 250. After it became very popular and underground steroid labs started popping up, they starting duplicating the ingredients. Some changed it to Sustanon 350, meaning 350mgs of testosterone per ml, and other decreased the number of testosterones in the product, from four, to two or three.

Omnadren 250 is another similar product to Sustanon. In fact, it is almost identical, except it is made by Jelfa, rather than Organon. Both products have been extremely popular over the last couple decades. However, because of pricing, and the number of fake Sustanon Organon on the market, most users have turned to the underground version, rather than the prescription version.

It was even more difficult to make sure the testosterone was legitimate because there wasn't just one version of Sustanon 250. There were different versions being produced in several different countries. Cyctahoh, Niles, and Infar Sustanon 250 are just a few. On top of the various versions of Sustanon, every few years, one of the version would change their box, label, or the look of the ampule.

Overall, there would be approximately a dozen different version of Sustanon, and each one of them could have been legit. Unfortunately, for every real version of the product, there were several fakes of that exact version. The easiest way to acquire real Organon Sustanon is through a reputable online steroid supplier.

Sustanon 250 is not quite as popular today as it once was. One, because of how many fake versions there were, and two, the benefits are no different than taking a single ester testosterone. Years ago, the fact that Sustanon contained four different esters of testosterone, intrigued a lot of users, and for some reason, people thought the more esters the better.

However, because Sustanon has fast acting esters, it is actually ideal to inject the steroid every other day, compared to weekly. For this reason, most users today will stick to a longer acting testosterone, such as, cypionate or enanthate.

In the end, whether pharmaceutical, or legit underground, a sustanon 250 cycle is one of the best steroid cycles available. Users can expect to gain a lot of strength, as well as muscle mass.

However, since sustanon is now banned and only available with the prescription, we are not recommended you to buy sustanon from black market since it may harm to your health. Give a consideration to legal sustanon capsules that are now taking the bodybuilding's world by storm because the product offer the same result as Sustanon but without side effects.