Sustanon 250 Cycle

Sustanon 250 is the most popular first cycle steroid today. Sustanon 250 became popular because of the four different testosterones in one ampule. Each testosterone has a different half life, some short, some long, which is ideal for steroid users. What many steroid users don't know, is that Sustanon, because of the short half life, in two of the testosterones, it should be injected every other day. By injecting every other day it keeps levels in the body stable. However, this practice is rarely used, and first time steroid users will still see great results off of weekly injection.

Steroid dosages have gone up over the past decade. Initially, a Sustanon 250 cycle of 250mgs per week was recommended, and would yield great results. A first time user could expect to gain anywhere from 15 to 25lbs, and strength going through the roof.

Today, on the other hand, the more common recommended Sustanon dosage is 500mgs per week. The theory behind the higher dosage is:
  1. more is better 
  2. you get your first results on your first cycle so get as much out of it as you can. 

However, a counter theory is, if a user takes 500mgs his first cycle, he will need to take more than that his second second, to continue seeing great results. If the user starts his first cycle with 250mgs per week, then for example, he could do 400mgs his second cycle. Unfortunately, there are no studies to show which method is better, and it is up to the user to make up his mind.

Sustanon Only Cycle

Almost all first cycles start with testosterone, which is another reason why Sustanon is so popular. Because the majority of cycles start with testosterone, a Sustanon only cycle is quite popular... compared to a user who wanted to use Winstrol(Winni V), should also add a testosterone on top of that. When an individual decides they want to use anabolic steroids, two things usually pop into their mind, big and strong; Sustanon takes care of both of those.

It will take a few weeks for the results to be noticeable, but once they are, it will be a consistent increase, week after week, until the cycle is completed. As above, on Sustanon 250 alone, a user can expect to gain 15-25lbs, while strength goes through the roof. Post cycle, some of the weight will come off, as it is water retention, but if proper post cycle therapy is taken, the athlete can expect to keep a lot of what he put on. Here are two versions of a Sustanon only cycle.

Common Sustanon 250 Cycle:

Common Sustanon 250 Cycle:

Sustanon 250 Cycle With Another Steroid

For a second cycle, or a more adventurous first steroid cycle, another steroid may be added. A popular choice is Deca Durabolin, or Equipoise. The benefits of using Deca Durabolin is that it helps with joint soreness, as well as increases lean body mass. Equipoise, on the other hand, will not only increase muscle mass, but it increases appetite, which is why it is a favorite on a bulking cycle. Equipoise is often used in longer cycles, so Sustanon and Equipoise may be ran for 10 weeks.

Again, a common first cycle of Sustanon will be anywhere from 250-500mgs.

Sustanon 250 Cycle With Another Steroid

Advanced Sustanon Cycle

Taking one more step further from the above cycle, an additional steroid can be added to the mix. An oral steroid, such as, Dianabol, helps kick start the gains of the cycle. While results from Deca Durabolin, Equipoise, and Sustanon come a little slower, usually after a few weeks, Dianabol hit the user extremely fast.

After only a few days, the bodybuilder will notice weight gain (mostly water), and experience amazing 'pumps' in the gym as well. After the first week, strength will quickly rise. The timing of the Dianabol, which leads into the Sustanon and Deca/Equpoise kicking in, makes it a popular addition for a bulking steroid cycle.

Advanced Sustanon Cycle

Sustanon is extremely effective to boost your bodybuilding efforts. However, It usage is now banned and only available with doctor's prescription. You may give a consideration to non-prescription sustanon tablets that are available without prescription and are great for cycle.