Buying Sustanon 250

Sustanon 250 is one of the most desirable steroids in bodybuilding communities. It puts on amazing mass, and greatly increases strength, with no a lot of side effects. Because of the benefits, almost all underground labs, or steroid suppliers will carry a version of it.

Sustanon 250 made by Organon
The pharmaceutical version of Sustanon 250, made by Organon can still be found. Not only is it quite pricey, but it is one of the most faked steroids on the market. An average street value for Sustanon 250 is $20 per 1ml or 1 ampule.

To buy Sustanon online, an average price is $12-$16 per 1ml, though some online 'pharmacies' will charge up to $25 to the unsuspecting, and eager visitor. The third option is Sustanon powder. Technically, it's not Sustanon powder, but a blend of different testosterone esters. If one was to make their own Sustanon 250, they wouldn't need all four testosterone esters, they could simply obtain testosterone propionate and testosterone cypionate, and make a two ester version of the steroid.

Buy Domestic Sustanon 250

Buying Sustanon 250 locally has it's advantages and disadvantages. First of it, it's usually the safest route. No customs, just simple inside the country ordering. However, the negatives are:
  1. the supplier may rat the buyer out if they are arrested,
  2. prices are a lot higher as there are more middlemen
  3. there are higher chances of the steroid being fake or tainted, considering how many people the drug has passed through.

Buy Sustanon Overseas

Buying Sustanon 250 overseas, also has it's advantages and disadvantages. The positives are a) it's a lot cheaper than getting domestically, and b) the buyer doesn't have to meet with anyone face to face. On the other hand, the biggest drawback is that the product has to go through customs. Although most reliable suppliers have a success rate of around 95%, some orders will still get seized but customs, and that could result in legal trouble.

That being said, legal trouble is very rare, especially if the user is simply ordering a small order for themselves. Customs and police are more bothered when large shipments are seized and it looks as if the buyer was planning on trafficking the steroids.

For the most part, most steroid users decide to order within the US for convenience. Another option is ordering the testosterone powder and making their own steroid. It sounds confusing and difficult, but most who have tried it, claim it is fairly easy.

Steroids are illegal in the US, to both purchase and have in possession. However, in Canada, it is illegal to buy, but it is not against the law to have in possession. The law doesn't make any sense, but steroid laws in Canada, in general, are much more relaxed, compared to America. You can now buy sustanon capsules which are legal and available without doctor's prescription.