Sostenon 250 Redijects

Sostenon 250 redijects were extremely popular in the 1980s and 1990s. The steroid came from Mexico, and were very inexpensive. The steroid came preloaded in syringes with a 18 gauge, 1 1/2" needle on the end. Users would remove the 18 gauge needle and switch it to a thinner needle, such as, a 23 gauge tip.

The Sostenon 250s were so popular because the Mexican border was not as strict as it is today. It was fairly easy to simply walk across the border, walk into a pharmacy, purchase 8 Organon Sostenons, walk out, and head back across the border with no issues. Not only were they easily accessible, they were extremely affordable, where a whole cycle would cost under $20. Last but not least, they were very effective. There are still users today who will swear that Sostenon redicjects were the strongest steroids they have ever used. Unfortunately for users, things have changed over the last decade.

Mexican pharmacies began to notice the profit that could be made from selling steroids, and that it was illegal for Americans to be purchasing the steroids and going back to America. Mexico pharmacies started to sell fake Sostenon, and making even more profit. To make matters worse, the strength of the Sostenon dosage began to go down hill, and the Sostenon just wasn't as effective as it once was. With the fall of Mexican steroids, and the birth of underground steroids labs in the US, steroid users decided to stay in the US for their anabolic steroids.

Sostenon can still be found in Mexico and South America today, but is not nearly as popular as it was a decade or two ago. Some still go to Mexico and buy the steroid, but for the most part, users avoid steroids from Mexico. A small percentage of steroid users will go down to Mexico on vacation, inject, and load up with 1,250-1,500mgs of Sustanon for the one to two weeks they are there, and finish the cycle when they get back to US. This strategy is not recommended for beginners.

Disclaimer. Before ordering or purchasing any anabolic steroids, check the local laws in the country you are visiting, and your home country. Consult a doctor or health care provider before starting any steroid cycle or exercise program.