Sustanon Information

Sustanon 250 is a mixture of testosterone esters in an oil based suspension and one ampule contains four different esters each with a different half-life. Who knew that using performance-enhancing drugs might also require learning some chemistry? Sustanon 250 is a complex mixture of a single hormone type (testosterone) and used by athletes although the purpose behind its creation was that of a single once a month male hormone replacement therapy.

One ml of Sustanon 250 contains testosterone propionate 30 mg, testosterone decanoate 100 mg, testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg, testosterone isocaproate 60 mg and when added together, total to 250mg per ml of Sustanon 250. Although all are testosterone, each releases on its own schedule and this allows for greater convenience and fewer injections. The advantage to this is that although a particular oil or suspension might contain only so much of one type of ester, the different esters allow for a higher saturation per ml. Long acting esters are convenient because they have a much longer half life but they also have a longer delay before they become effective. The short, medium and long release esters permit the user the best of both worlds in Sustanon 250.

However, here comes the chemistry part of the equation with Sustanon 250. In the ordinary anabolic steroid, the ester has a fixed half-life. One knows that to maintain effective blood levels, doses should be taken at specific intervals, waiting too long can drop blood levels below effective minimums, dosing too soon can cause them to become too high and not permit recovery. However when dealing with four different esters all with a different half-life, and with different dosage amounts per week it becomes a more complicated equation and there is no firm date as to when the next dose should be taken.

Now Sustanon 250 is not a miracle drug and development focused upon convenience. It will do exactly what other forms of anabolic steroids will do for the body builder and the athlete. With the addition of testosterone muscles, grow bigger, red blood cell counts often increase resulting in increased stamina, muscles become faster as more motor neurons increase.

It also has the same negative side effects as testosterone steroids. The potential negative side effects of testosterone steroids include aromatization (production of estrogen) which in turn can lead to problems like the development of excess breast tissue in men aka gynecomastia, acne, water retention, loss of sex drive aggression, male pattern baldness and more. These potential side effects are not limited to Sustanon 250, and carried by almost all testosterone supplements dosing. There are effective means of reducing the risks of side effects for men when using anabolic steroid supplements.

Some athletes consider a dosage of from 500 mg to 2000 mg of normal but it depends upon their current condition and goals. Many athletes consider the lower range of 500 mg while 2000 mg per week is usually reserved for those in incredibly good condition where 1000 mg no longer produces gains or improvements in shape. However, Sustanon 250 is generally taken every other day during a cycle by the serious athlete.


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